Sunday, January 29, 2006

First Desktop AdWords Management Tool Just Released!

For quite a while now I've been a big fan and promoter of KeyWord Analyzer, by Chris Lee and Goran Nagy. I do believe that it's the best product on the 'net for doing keyword and niche research, whether it's for Google, Yahoo, PPC advertising, SEO....whatever it is. I use it myself, and it really has been great.

Well, Chris and Goran have just released the internet's first desktop AdWords campaign management tool, Adwords Dominator. If you use AdWords to any extent, you've got to at least do a review of it. For examplke, wouldn't it be great if:

* you could manage your whole AdWords account just on one screen
* you could easily search and sort your AdWords campaigns information
* you could tell in just one chart curve which campaigns are successful
* you could find duplicate keywords across all your AdWords campaigns
* you could see exactly which ads are working best
* you could easily Globally edit your AdWords ads

With AdWords Dominator, you can do this and a whole bunch more. Since it has just been released, early purchasers can get a significant discount, so I'd suggest you take a look at it quickly, as I'm sure that the price will go up as a result of the pent up demand for this type of tool.

Be sure to check out the 4 minute video of how AdWords Dominator works. It's really neat, and shows you quickly how powerful this tool is!

Don't be shy to let me know if you have any questions on it. I've been communicating with Chris quite a bit the past several weeks, and he and Goran are renowned for being extra responsive to prospects and customers alike.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey buddy, thanks for sharing this wonderful tool, I was searching this things since a long time now I got it. Let me share this from my ppc management company, they will help me to get more business leads with this idea.